This community Kitchen in Mexico photo documentary is one more reason why I LOVE photography!!

Photography is not only a means of expression but also a very powerful tool to help others. It allows me not only to create art but also to give voice to those who need it the most.

Before we move on, I have to admit that, I too was a victim of the media. I tried to stay away from news and television because I felt I was constantly bombarded with information that filled my soul with fear.

Despite this, every day I was thankful for the blessing of having a place to live and all my needs met … but I kept asking myself, why me? I know people who are incredible human beings and they are having a very bad time with the pandemic and here I am … calm at home and safe (not fair).

I felt bad seeing so many stories of hungry families. Families that had been terribly hit by the pandemic, misinformed by all the news and media.

I couldn’t get rid of this terrible feeling, I felt deep in my heart, the need to do something and asked for a sign. Although I never imagined that the sign would come so quickly!

One day, I received a call from one of my best friends, who told me about a church called El Rio in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico, and what they were doing…

This church has been helping the neediest communities in different ways for over 18 years! They told me that due to the pandemic, all their resources were focusing on what they called: a “community kitchen”.

Every Wednesday they donate more than 2,500 servings of food to low-income families in different parts of Tlaxcala, Mexico. As the weeks go by, more and more people arrive waiting to be fed.

Because of this alarming increase, they realized that there was an incredible opportunity for other people to help these communities. That’s when they asked me to support them by documenting this work and help get donations to continue feeding these families, not only every Wednesday.

Despite being afraid to leave my house and knowing that I had to take a flight to reach these remote communities, I did not hesitate to take this opportunity to help!

Upon reaching these communities, I could not believe the immense need there was. I could see worry, pain, and hunger in people’s faces.

I had to take a deep breath and be strong to document such a harsh reality. As you know, I was used to documenting one of the most beautiful days in people’s lives. Days, where everyone is happy, put on their most fancy clothes and eat the best food; but now I’m documenting the opposite.

I had never experienced such a strong contrast as a photographer. Even though I have gone to communities, in past years, to document their needs with the intention of helping, I had never seen anything like this.

Listening to stories where the mother confessed that for 3 days she and her family had not eaten anything, that they had walked for more than 2.5 hours to receive some food … This is something that most certainly left a mark in my heart. I now understand how super-blessed I am to have a place to sleep and food at home. I also recognized the banal and superficial things that we often worry about.

Things that I took for granted before, I now see, value and I appreciate them!!

Here are some images from this documentary, taken with the intention of raising awareness, touching people’s hearts, and perhaps taking advantage of this opportunity to help families through your donations.

All these photographs were taken with the consent of the people who appear in them.

If it is in your heart to donate, here’s the link to make donations of any amount: DONATE NOW. Every penny will be multiplied!!

Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will reward them for what they have done.

By the way, a percentage of our profits as a photography company will be donated towards this project. Thanks for your help and kindness.